Newgrange Stone Circle |
OS Map Reference O007727.
This site is in the county of Co. Meath.
The nearest village is Slane.
The nearest town is Drogheda.
More details of this site can be seen at:
Our Trip to Ireland: Newgrange
There is more between heaven and earth
The stone circle surrounding this famous burial mound is a mystery, whether it is a true circle is open for debate
Follow the link to the web site where more details are available.....
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The data for these pages includes information kindly provided by Dr Aubrey Burl from the following books:
Stone Circles of the British Isles 1976,
A Guide to the Stone Circles of Britain and Ireland Yale University Press 1995,
From Carnac to Callanish : The Prehistoric Stone Rows and Avenues of Britain, Ireland and Brittany Yale University Press 1993.
Other recommended books...
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